The Ultimate Guide to Google Ads for SaaS Campaigns in 2024: How to Run Profitable Growth Campaigns

By Ciaran K.
June 2024

Tired of throwing money at Google Ads and seeing little return? Or are you just planning to start using it but are afraid?

You're not alone.

Hundreds of SaaS businesses are losing millions of dollars in potential revenue every year.

Just because they can't crack the Google Ads code.

Google Ads can be the ultimate growth engine for your SaaS business…

Driving tons of:

  • Targeted traffic
  • Leads
  • & sales.

But to make it work, you need to understand the "how" behind it.

That's why I'm going to spill the beans

And share the insider secrets I've learned while helping SaaS companies dominate Google Ads.

Why Run Google Ads?

In today's crowded world of SaaS companies, you need smart marketing to keep growing. Sure, things like search engine optimization and creating great content are still important, but they can take a long time to pay off. That's where Google Ads come in!

Google Ads offer a powerful solution and help you cut through the noise and make your SaaS business thrive.

Here's how:

1. Target the right audience:

No more shouting to the whole internet and hoping someone interested hears you.

With Google Ads, you can pinpoint your ideal customers based on their:

  • Demographics
  • Interests
  • & online behavior.

Imagine showing your ads only to people who are already looking for products like yours!

2. Get your message seen instantly:

Organic search results take time, but with Google Ads, your ads can appear on the very first page of search results the moment you activate your campaign. This means more people will see your message, leading to more potential customers discovering your awesome product.

3. Track your results and adjust your strategy:

Unlike traditional advertising where you throw your money into the void and hope for the best, Google Ads gives you complete control.

You can track every:

  • Click
  • Conversion
  • & dollar spent

This allows you to see what's working and what's not. This valuable data lets you constantly improve your campaigns and get the most out of your investment.

Know Your Enemy: Competitor Analysis

Before you even touch the Google Ads platform, it's crucial to understand your competitive landscape. This means conducting a thorough competitor analysis to uncover their strategies, strengths, and weaknesses. This knowledge will help you create your own campaign strategy to differentiate yourself from your comptitors.

Here's a breakdown of the process:

a) Scraping Competitor Ads:

The first step is to gather all the information you can about your competitors' ad campaigns. This includes:

  • Keywords they're targeting: This will give you valuable insights into the search terms potential customers are using.
  • Headlines and descriptions: Analyze their ad copy to understand how they're messaging their value proposition and targeting their audience.
  • Landing page URLs: This will allow you to see how their ad campaigns connect to their website and conversion process.
  • Ad formats and extensions: This can provide clues about their budget allocation and how they're trying to stand out in the search results.

There are various tools available to help you scrape competitor ads, such as:

  • SEMrush: Offers comprehensive competitor research features, including ad copy analysis and keyword research.
  • Ahrefs: Provides detailed keyword data and allows you to see your competitor's top organic and paid keywords.
  • SpyFu: Tracks your competitors' historical ad campaigns and provides insights into their changing strategies.

b) Analyzing Competitor Ad Elements:

Once you have gathered the data, it's time to analyze the individual elements of your competitor's ads. This includes:

  • Headlines: Are they clear, concise, and attention-grabbing? Do they highlight the unique benefits of their product or service?
  • Descriptions: Do they provide enough information to entice users to click? Do they address key pain points and offer solutions?
  • Strengths: What are their key selling points? What differentiates them from you?
  • Messaging: What tone of voice do they use? How do they position themselves in the market?
  • Lead magnets: What incentives are they offering to capture leads? Are they effective?

c) Creating a "Transparency Document":

Compile your findings into a clear and concise document that summarizes your competitor analysis. This document should include:

  • The key insights you've gained about your competitors' ad campaigns
  • Strengths and weaknesses of their strategies
  • Opportunities you can exploit with your own campaigns
  • Actionable steps you can take based on your findings

d) Extracting Insights from Competitor Websites:

Don't just focus on their ads; analysze their websites for valuable information as well. This includes:

  • Website content: What are they emphasizing? What are their key messaging points?
  • Landing page design and structure: How are they guiding users towards conversion?
  • Call to actions: What are they asking users to do? Are they clear and compelling?

By understanding your competitor's website, you can identify opportunities to improve your own user experience and conversion rates.

e) Using Insights for Keyword Research:

  • Gap Analysis: Identify keywords your competitors are using that you may be missing, highlighting potential opportunities.
  • Negative Keywords: Discover irrelevant keywords that are driving low-quality traffic to your competitors' ads, helping you refine your targeting.
  • Long-Tail Keywords: Explore targeted long-tail keywords that your competitors may not be using, allowing you to reach niche audiences.

By conducting a thorough competitor analysis and applying these insights, you can develop a winning Google Ads strategy that helps you stand out from the competition and achieve your business goals.

Craft Your Winning Campaign Strategy

It's time to build your winning campaign strategy! This is where you get to map out the entire customer journey, from the moment they first become aware of your SaaS brand to the sweet, sweet moment they convert.

To do this, I uses a tool called MIRO. It's like having a virtual whiteboard where you can visually represent the entire customer journey, step-by-step.

Think of it like building a roadmap for your customers. You'll identify every touchpoint they have with your brand, from seeing your ad to signing up for your service.

This helps you:

  • Visualize the big picture: See the entire journey laid out before you, making it easier to identify areas for improvement.
  • Ensure each step is optimized: Make sure every touchpoint is designed to convert, leading your customers seamlessly towards your desired outcome.
  • Collaborate with your team: Work together with stakeholders to ensure everyone is aligned and working towards the same goals.

Here's a quick rundown of how you can use MIRO to map your customer journey:

  1. Identify your customer personas: Who are you targeting? What are their needs and pain points?
  2. Map out the customer journey: Define each step they take, from initial awareness to conversion.
  3. Analyze your competitors: See what they're doing well (and what they're not) at each stage of the journey.
  4. Identify opportunities: Look for gaps you can fill and areas where you can improve your offering.
  5. Plan your content: Develop content that addresses your customers' needs at each stage of the journey.
  6. Track your progress: Monitor your results and make adjustments as needed.

By taking the time to map out your customer journey with MIRO, you'll be well on your way to creating a Google Ads campaign that's laser-focused on driving conversions.

Specific Frameworks for SaaS Copywriting

Even the best targeting won't matter if your ad copy doesn't resonate with your audience. That's where copywriting come in.

It's the voice that:

  • Speaks directly to your target audience
  • Grabs their attention
  • & convinces them to take action.

It's the invisible force that bridges the gap between awareness and conversion.

But crafting effective SaaS copy isn't just about stringing words together. It requires a strategic approach and proven frameworks to guide you.

However, the most effective ad copy goes beyond simply grabbing attention. It should highlight the top benefits your audience will receive by using your product or service.

By clearly showcasing these benefits, you can:

  • Increase click-through rates (CTR)
  • Build trust and credibility
  • Boost conversions

Here are some tips on how to include benefits of your into your ad copy:

  • Be specific: Don't just say your product is "great." Explain exactly what makes it great and the specific benefits users will experience.
  • Focus on the user: Use language that speaks directly to your target audience and their pain points.
  • Quantify your benefits: Use numbers and data to make your benefits more tangible and believable.
  • Call to action: Tell users what you want them to do next, whether it's visiting your website, signing up for a free trial, or downloading a white paper.

Here are some examples of ad copy that effectively highlight top benefits:

  • Headspace: "Get 10% off your first month of Headspace and start meditating today. Headspace helps you reduce stress, improve focus, and sleep better."
  • Grammarly: "Write confidently and mistake-free with Grammarly. Grammarly helps you improve your grammar, spelling, and punctuation."
  • Dropbox: "Never lose your files again with Dropbox. Dropbox automatically backs up your files to the cloud so you can access them from anywhere."

Here are some specific frameworks for SaaS copywriting, along with examples:

1. The Problem-Agitate-Solution (PAS) Framework:

  • Problem: Clearly identify the pain points and challenges your target audience faces.
  • Agitate: Deepen the pain by highlighting the consequences of not solving the problem.
  • Solution: Introduce your SaaS as the answer, emphasizing how it alleviates their pain and delivers value.


  • Problem: "Are you struggling to manage your growing to-do list and feeling overwhelmed?"
  • Agitate: "Feeling overwhelmed can lead to missed deadlines, decreased productivity, and burnout."
  • Solution: "Introducing To-Do Genius, the ultimate task management app that helps you stay organized, prioritize tasks, and achieve your goals effortlessly."

2. The Before-After-Bridge (BAB) Framework:

  • Before: Paint a vivid picture of the situation your target audience faces before using your SaaS.
  • After: Highlight the positive changes and benefits they experience after employing your solution.
  • Bridge: Explain how your SaaS is the bridge between the "before" and "after" states.


  • Before: "Imagine spending countless hours manually creating invoices, chasing payments, and struggling with bookkeeping errors."
  • After: "With Invoice Ninja, you can create professional invoices in seconds, automate payment reminders, and gain real-time financial insights, giving you back precious time and peace of mind."
  • Bridge: "Invoice Ninja simplifies your financial processes, allowing you to focus on what matters most – running your business."

3. The Feature-Advantage-Benefit (FAB) Framework:

  • Feature: Clearly outline the features and functionalities of your SaaS offering.
  • Advantage: Explain how each feature translates into a specific benefit for the user.
  • Benefit: Connect the advantage to the user's desired outcome or solution to their pain point.


  • Feature: "Our marketing automation platform offers email marketing, social media management, and analytics tools."
  • Advantage: "These tools help you automate repetitive tasks, streamline your marketing campaigns, and gain valuable insights."
  • Benefit: "As a result, you can reach your target audience more effectively, generate more leads, and convert them into paying customers."

4. The StoryBrand Framework:

  • Hero: Introduce your target audience as the hero of their own story.
  • Villain: Identify the external or internal obstacles preventing them from achieving their goals.
  • Guide: Position your SaaS as the guide who empowers them to overcome the villain.
  • Plan: Provide a clear plan of action, showing them how to use your SaaS to achieve their desired outcome.


  • Hero: "You, the busy entrepreneur, are passionate about your business but struggling to manage your marketing efforts effectively."
  • Villain: "Limited time, lack of expertise, and fragmented tools are hindering your marketing success."
  • Guide: "Marketing Hero is your trusted guide, providing the tools and resources you need to overcome these challenges."
  • Plan: "With our platform, you can create captivating campaigns, reach your target audience with precision, and achieve sustainable growth."

These are just a few examples of proven frameworks that can guide you towards creating compelling SaaS copy.

But, I’d recommend you to get an in-house copywriter.

A copywriter will help your SaaS brand messaging more clear, consistent, and persuasive, ultimately leading to increased conversions and revenue growth.

Specialist conversion tracking.

Tracking your results is crucial for understanding what's working and what's not. That’s where the specialist conversion tracking comes in.

It goes beyond basic clicks and conversions. It dives deep into every step your customer takes, from their initial interaction with your ad to their final conversion event. This might include:

  • Sign-ups for free trials
  • Feature usage within the app
  • Specific in-app actions (e.g., completing a tutorial)
  • Upgrades to paid plans
  • Cancellations or churn events

By tracking these micro-conversions, you gain a holistic understanding of how users are interacting with your product and identify potential bottlenecks or areas for improvement.

Why is Specialist Conversion Tracking Important for SaaS Businesses?

Let's face it, SaaS businesses are complex. Customers don't just click an ad and buy your product. They engage with your app, explore features, and ultimately decide if it's the right fit for them. By capturing detailed data on these interactions, you can:

  • Identify what drives conversions: Is it a specific feature? A particular marketing message? Specialist tracking helps you isolate the factors that are truly moving the needle.
  • Optimize your marketing campaigns: Armed with precise data, you can tailor your campaigns to target the right audience with the right message at the right time.
  • Reduce churn: By understanding why customers are leaving, you can take proactive steps to address their pain points and improve their experience.
  • Maximize ROI: Ultimately, specialist tracking helps you ensure that every marketing dollar you spend is driving measurable results.

How to Set Up Conversion Tracking in Google Ads?

Advanced conversion tracking is more than data collection.

It's a strategic tool to:

  • Transform your campaigns
  • Drive engagement
  • & take your business to new heights.

Here is how can set-up conversion tracking in Google Ads:

  • Click on the "Tools" tab with your Google Ads account.
  • Select "Conversions" from the menu to see conversion tracking options.
  • Click "New Conversion" and assign a descriptive name.
  • Select the type of conversion you want to track, like purchase or lead capture.
  • Follow the instructions to generate your unique conversion tracking code.
  • Embed the code within your website or application.

Upon activation, you will be able to see data on conversions in your Google Ads reports.

And then you can use this data to:

  • Track the success of your campaigns.
  • Identify high-performing keywords and ads.
  • Optimize your campaigns to maximize ROI, and drive your SaaS business forward.

How Does Google Ads Work?

Now it’s time to understand the working behind Google ads.

Google Ads operates on a simple yet powerful principle: serving the right ad to the right person at the right time.

To achieve this, Google considers three key factors:

  • Your Bid: This is the maximum amount you're willing to pay for a click or impression on your ad.
  • Ad Relevance: How closely your ad matches the user's search intent or the content they're viewing.
  • Ad Quality: Google's assessment of your ad's overall effectiveness, including its click-through rate, relevance, and landing page experience.

By ensuring a balance between these three factors, Google Ads strives to create a win-win situation:

  • Users: See ads that are relevant to their interests and needs, enhancing their search experience.
  • Advertisers: Reach audiences more likely to convert into valuable customers, maximizing their advertising ROI.

Now, let's go deeper into the key concepts that drive Google Ads:

Google Ads Auction

Whenever someone searches on Google or visits a site within Google's Display Network, an automatic auction takes place.

In this auction other advertisers compete with you for that same prominent spot.

This auction is to give you the chance to grab audiences’s attention with your ad by winning the bid.

If you’re thinking that you can win the bid by bidding the most money, then you’re wrong.

Google’s ads auction system works differently from typical auctions.

Your bid and ad quality determine your success.

Your maximum bid multiplied by your ad's quality score decides your ad rank.

This system ensures that not just the highest bidder wins but also those providing the most relevant ads.

This is crucial for SaaS brands to reach the right audience effectively.

Here’s an image to make this whole thing more clear:

Relevance and Quality

Relevance: Think of it like how well your ad fits what someone is looking for. If someone searches for "best email marketing tool," your ad for that software you sell is a great fit. Accounting software, not so much.

Quality: Google cares about how people feel after clicking your ad. Did they find what they were looking for? Was your website easy to use? If the answer is yes, you'll get a high "Quality Score." This score, out of 10, considers three things:

  • Click-through rate: How many people see your ad and click on it?
  • Ad relevance: Does your ad match what people are looking for?
  • Landing page experience: Is your website easy to use and navigate?

The higher your Quality Score, the better your ads will perform.

So make sure your ads are relevant, your website is user-friendly, and people are clicking on your ads!

Ad Rank

Imagine your ad is like a contestant in a competition. The judges (Google) decide where your ad gets placed based on a few things:

  • Bid amount: How much you're willing to pay for someone to click your ad.
  • Quality Score: How relevant your ad is to what people are searching for, and how good your website is.
  • Competition: How many other businesses are bidding on the same keywords.
  • User location: Where the person searching is located.

The more points you score in these areas, the higher your "Ad Rank" will be. And guess what? The higher your rank, the better spot your ad gets! So, even if you don't offer the highest bid, you can still win a prime position if your ad is relevant and high-quality.

Ultimately, these factors work together to determine which ads get shown and where, making sure people see the most relevant and helpful options for their needs.

The average ad agency doesn't understand Tech.

At Saturn Media, we do.

We've spent years:**

  • Specialising in your market
  • Anticipating trends
  • Growing businesses like yours...

... through targeted Google & Youtube ad strategies.

Let's talk scale!

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