How We helped a SaaS Company Go From Acquiring 130 users monthly → 2380 (in 45 days) using Google ads

By Ciaran K.
June 2024

We recently helped a B2B AI SAAS business go from:

  • Acquiring 130 users monthly → 2380 (in 45 days)
  • Cost-per-acquisition $21.02 →  $2.48
  • Website CVR 2.96% → 29.03%

And I want to help you do the same.

Let’s do a thorough breakdown of how I was able to increase their CVR and monthly user acquisition by a whopping 880.74% and 1,730.77%, respectively.

While decreasing their CPA cost by 88.20%.

Let’s start.


So, this client reached out to me back in October.

At that time they were already running Google ads for their SAAS product but weren't very happy with the results.

Before October, their CVR (conversion rate) was a meager 2.96%, which falls far below the industry standard.

A good CVR for Google Ads is considered to be 5.31% or higher.

So, you can say that they were just burning their money.

On analyzing their Google ads account I found a lot of common mistakes that were causing such poor results.

Here is the list, so that you don’t repeat them:

Mistakes they Were Making

1. Ineffective ad copy:

Their ad copy wasn't good enough.

It wasn't effectively communicating the message & benefits of their SAAS product to the target audience.

Good ad copy must be

  • Clear
  • Concise
  • & Persuasive

… to convert a visitor.

It should be able to highlight the product benefits and be easy to understand by the visitor.

Overall, it should give the visitor a reason to click on your ad.

2. Limited ad copy variation

Have you ever come across the same ad over and over again?

Personally, I dislike it.

Likewise, your targeted audience does.

And my client was making the same mistake.

He wasn’t using multiple ad copy variations for each keyword group

And that led his campaigns suffering from ad fatigue, which is when people stop noticing your ads because they are seeing them too often.

3. Missing out on high-intent keywords:

High-intent keywords are the keywords that people are most likely to use when they are ready to buy something.

These people are called high-intent searchers.

For example, someone searching for 'best SAAS product for project management; is a high-intent searcher.

And the keyword they’ve used is a high-intent keyword.

So, you can say that these high-intent keywords are the key to getting more eyeballs and sales.

What was crazy is even though they were running ads…

They completely missed out on this - losing a massive pool of their target audience.

4. Broad targeting:

Broad targeting can make it difficult to:

  • Measure the effectiveness of your campaigns.
  • Control your ad costs.
  • Track conversions.

And can lead to irrelevant clicks and wasted ad spend.

Always bid on competitor or brand keywords

Bidding on competitors' keywords can be a risky strategy and another good way to lose money.

These keywords are often very competitive and expensive.

And my client was using the same strategy.

This made it nearly impossible for him to outrank his competitors.

What We Did to Fix It

Now let me get into the sauce on how I redid their Google Ads and increased their CVR by  880.74%.

1. Refined targeting based on data

Since my client already wasted his money on ad spending while targeting too many countries, I used it to their advantage.

I analyzed the data to find the countries where they were getting the best results.

Then refocused their targeting to those countries.

2. Leveraging use-case campaigns

Use-case campaigns are one of the best performers for SaaS for a reason.

Use-case campaigns for SaaS in Google Ads are targeted campaigns that focus on specific use cases or scenarios where potential customers would use the SaaS product. Instead of using broad keywords, use-case campaigns target more specific keywords related to particular use cases.

For example, instead of targeting the keyword "project management," a SaaS company selling a project management tool might create a use-case campaign that targets the keyword "project management for software development." This allows the company to reach a more high-intent audience of people specifically interested in using the project management tool for software development.

By leveraging use-case campaigns, SaaS companies can reach a wider audience of potential customers with different needs and interests, without spreading their ad spend too thin.

These campaigns help to increase relevance and improve the chances of converting users into customers.

3. Strategic A/B testing:

As I already mentioned in the common mistakes section, my client had only one ad copy for the ad campaign.

So, I created 4-5 different variants of the ad copy.

While focusing on different ways that people would use their SaaS product.

And then A/B tested to find which ad copy was good at converting users.

Not only the ad copy but also their landing pages and targeting options to see what worked best.

Which also allowed us to make improvements over time.

We were able to reach a wider audience and appeal to people with different needs and interests.

4. Analyzed the data from their conversion funnel:

So I looked at the data to identify the steps in the conversion funnel where people were dropping off.

And then I did the following things:

  • Ensured that the message across their ad copy, landing page, and website was consistent and aligned.
  • Put a video in the hero shot of their landing page to capture attention and convey the value proposition of their SaaS product.
  • Crafted a compelling landing page and ad copy that clearly communicates the benefits of their SaaS product. Persuasive enough to hack the visitor's mind into signing up for a free trial or making a purchase.

The average ad agency doesn't understand Tech.

At Saturn Media, we do.

We've spent years:**

  • Specialising in your market
  • Anticipating trends
  • Growing businesses like yours...

... through targeted Google & Youtube ad strategies.

Let's talk scale!

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