Google Ads for SaaS: Is it Worth it and How do I use it to scale?

By Ciaran K.
June 2024

85% of the top 100 SaaS companies in the growth stage uses Google Ads to reach new customers and scale their businesses.

That means, if you're a B2B startup in the tech space, there's a good chance your competitors are already using this powerful platform to gain an edge.

Crazy, right?

Still, many SaaS founders wonder if Google Ads is the right marketing channel for them or not.

Well, if you’re one of them, Let me make it very clear. It depends.


But hold on, because the real question isn't whether Google Ads are worth it, but how to make them work for you.

I’ll clear it up at the end of this guide.

So, this is gonna be a no-BS roadmap to using Google Ads like a pro and turning those website visits into loyal SaaS fans.

Let's cut to the chase and get into the details.

Debunking Google Ads Myths

Myth 1: Google Ads are expensive.

Reality: While costs can vary depending on competition and campaign goals, Google Ads can be highly cost-effective. You only pay for clicks, and precise targeting ensures your budget reaches the right people. Here's a breakdown to clarify:

  • Average cost per click (CPC) for SaaS keywords: $2-$5 (Source: WordStream)
  • Potential return on investment (ROI): 200% or more (Source: Flying V Group)
  • Example budget and results: Invest $500 per month and target relevant keywords with a 5% conversion rate. This could generate 50 new signups, potentially worth $2,500 in monthly recurring revenue (MRR) for a SaaS with a $50 monthly subscription.

Myth 2: Google Ads only work for B2C.

Reality: B2B SaaS companies can also thrive with Google Ads. All you need to do is targeting specific keywords related to pain points and decision-making phrases. This will attract qualified leads for your SaaS product.

Just look at how industry leaders like Canva and Airbnb leverage Google Ads to reach their target audience:

  • Canva: By targeting keywords like "graphic design software for teams" and "create presentations online," Canva attracts marketing professionals and small business owners actively searching for solutions to their design needs. This positions Canva as a top choice and drives qualified leads to their platform.
  • ClickUp: They focus on keywords like "project management software for startups" and "collaboration tools for remote teams." Their ads highlight ClickUp's features like task management, communication, and time tracking, addressing common pain points for B2B organizations.

These examples showcase how B2B SaaS companies can tailor their Google Ads campaigns to reach the right audience at the right time.

By focusing on relevant keywords and addressing specific pain points, you can attract high-quality leads and convert them into paying customers.

Myth 3: Google Ads results are hard to measure.

Reality: Detailed analytics provide insights into campaign performance.

Which allows you to track:

  • Clicks
  • Conversions
  • And ROI.

This data helps optimize campaigns for better results.

Benefits of Google Ads for SaaS:

  1. Targeted Reach: Laser-focus your ads on specific demographics, interests, and keywords, reaching users actively searching for solutions like yours.
  2. High Intent Users: Attract users with high purchase intent, increasing the likelihood of conversion and reducing wasted ad spend.
  3. Measurable Results: Track every click, lead, and sale, allowing you to optimize campaigns for maximum ROI and identify areas for improvement.
  4. Scalability: Start small and scale your campaigns as your budget and results grow, reaching a wider audience without breaking the bank.

These benefits are just the icing on the cake. Beside these, there are a lot.

But for now, these benefits are enough for you to know.

Real Talk: The Challenges (and How to Overcome Them):

Now we’re going to cover the challenges that many SaaS businesses face with Google Ads.

1. High Cost per Acquisition (CPA):

SaaS businesses often have high customer lifetime value (CLTV), but acquiring new customers can be expensive. Google Ads can contribute to a high CPA if not managed effectively.

Here’s how to beat the high CPA:

  • Target the right audience: Precisely define your ideal customer profile and use detailed targeting options like demographics, interests, and keywords.
  • Optimize landing pages: Ensure your landing pages are relevant to your ads and offer a clear value proposition. Test different versions to improve conversion rates.
  • Bid strategically: Use bidding strategies like target CPA or target ROAS to align your bids with your desired acquisition cost or return on investment.
  • Focus on conversions: Track and optimize for key conversion actions, not just clicks, to ensure you're attracting qualified leads.

2. Competitive Landscape:

SaaS markets are often crowded, making it difficult to stand out in search results.

Here’s how to stand out in the crowded SaaS market:

  • Unique selling proposition (USP): Clearly articulate what sets your SaaS apart from competitors and highlight it in your ads and landing pages.
  • Long-tail keywords: Target specific, niche keywords related to your unique features and benefits.
  • Competitive analysis: Monitor your competitors' campaigns and identify opportunities to differentiate your offerings.
  • Brand building: Invest in building brand awareness through Google Ads’ display network or other marketing channels to establish a strong presence.

3. Campaign Optimization:

Google Ads campaigns require ongoing optimization to maintain performance and maximize ROI.

To solve this:

  • Regularly monitor and analyze campaign data: Track key metrics like impressions, clicks, conversions, and CPA to identify areas for improvement.
  • A/B testing: Test different ad variations, landing pages, and targeting options to find the most effective combinations.
  • Automation: Utilize Google Ads automation features to manage bids, budgets, and targeting automatically based on performance.
  • Stay updated: Keep up with the latest Google Ads features and best practices to optimize your campaigns effectively.

4. Attribution:

Determining which marketing channels contribute to conversions can be tricky, especially with multi-touch customer journeys.

That’s why it’s important to:

  • Utilize conversion tracking: Set up proper conversion tracking in Google Analytics to attribute leads and sales to specific campaigns.
  • Implement multi-channel attribution models: Use Google Analytics attribution models like "last click" or "data-driven" to account for various touchpoints.
  • Test different attribution models: Analyze how different models affect your understanding of campaign performance.
  • Focus on overall marketing effectiveness: Don't get too focused on individual channel attribution; evaluate overall marketing ROI.

Are Google Ads for You? (Self-Assessment)

Before diving into Google Ads, it's crucial to understand if it's the right fit for your SaaS business. Answer these questions honestly to gain clarity:

Target Audience & Pain Points:

  1. Who are your ideal customers?

(e.g., small businesses, marketing teams, specific industries)

Define their:

  • Demographics
  • Job titles
  • Pain points they face in their work.
  1. What are their biggest challenges and goals?

Understanding their needs will help you craft targeted ads that resonate. Here are some examples of challenges they might face:

  • Lead generation
  • Productivity
  • Customer management, etc.
  1. Do they actively search for solutions online?

Research how your target audience finds information and if they use search engines like Google.

  1. Are they present on relevant online platforms?

Identify platforms where your target audience gathers and engages, like LinkedIn or industry forums.

Existing Marketing Strategy:

  1. What marketing channels are you currently using?

Analyze the performance of your existing efforts to identify gaps Google Ads can fill.

  1. Do you have a strong website and landing pages? Ensure your website is optimized for conversions and offers a seamless user experience.
  2. Have you established brand awareness?

Google Ads can be more effective if users already recognize your brand.

  1. Are you comfortable tracking and analyzing data?

Google Ads requires ongoing monitoring and optimization, so data comfort is key.

Budget & ROI Expectations:

  1. What is your budget for Google Ads?

Be realistic about your spending capacity and set achievable goals.

  1. What is your desired return on investment (ROI)?

Define your success metrics, for e.g. conversions, leads, sales) and how Google Ads can contribute.

  1. Do you have a long-term commitment to Google Ads?

Success often takes time and experimentation, so be prepared for ongoing investment.

  1. Are you comfortable with the potential learning curve?

Google Ads can be complex, so consider investing in learning resources or professional help.

Time Commitment:

  1. How much time can you dedicate to managing Google Ads campaigns?

Regular monitoring and adjustments are essential.

  1. Do you have the in-house expertise or will you need to outsource?

Consider your team's capabilities and resources.

  1. Are you willing to learn and adapt your campaigns over time?

The best results come from continuous optimization and testing.

  1. Can you integrate Google Ads with your existing workflow?

Streamlining data and campaign management saves time and improves efficiency.

By honestly answering these questions, you can gain valuable insights into whether Google Ads is the right fit for your SaaS business. Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all approach. Take your time, assess your needs, and make an informed decision for your business growth.

How to Make Google Ads Work for Your SaaS?

Google Ads can be a powerful tool for driving growth and acquiring new customers for your SaaS business. But without the right strategy and execution, it can also be a drain on your budget.

Here's a breakdown of actionable steps you can take to make Google Ads work for your SaaS:

1. Keyword Research & Targeting:

  • Keyword Research: This is the foundation of every successful Google Ads campaign. Use tools like:
    • Google Keyword Planner
    • SEMrush
    • Ahrefs
  • These tools will help you help you discover relevant keywords your target audience is searching for with high search volume and low competition.
  • Think like your customers: Put yourself in their shoes and brainstorm keywords that capture their pain points and needs.
  • Go beyond the obvious: Don't just focus on broad, high-competition keywords. Explore long-tail keywords with lower competition and higher purchase intent.
  • Avoid branded keywords: Don’t bid for brand keywords like “seo surfer alternative.” These type of keywords costs expensive and have high competition.
  • Negative Keywords: Exclude irrelevant searches to avoid wasting ad spend on clicks that won't lead to conversions.
  • Target strategically: Use demographics, interests, and device targeting to reach the right audience at the right time.

2. Landing Page Optimization (Conversion Focus):

  • Make it irresistible: Craft compelling landing pages that resonate with your ad copy and offer a seamless conversion experience.
  • Headline like a pro: Use clear, concise headlines that highlight the benefits of your SaaS and address user pain points.
  • Focus on value, not features: Explain how your SaaS solves their problems and improves their lives, not just its technical features.
  • Clear call to action (CTA): Tell users exactly what you want them to do, whether it's signing up for a free trial or downloading a demo.
  • Test and iterate: Use A/B testing to identify the most effective landing page elements and continuously optimize for conversions.

3. Ad Copywriting for SaaS (Benefits, Urgency):

  • Grab attention in seconds: Your ad copy has mere milliseconds to make an impression. Use strong verbs, concise language, and relevant keywords.
  • Highlight the "why": Focus on the benefits your SaaS offers, not just its features. Explain how it solves user pain points and improves their lives.
  • Create a sense of urgency: Use limited-time offers, scarcity tactics, or countdown timers to encourage immediate action.
  • Call to action, front and center: Make it clear what you want users to do with a strong CTA like "Start your free trial today!"

4. Campaign Structure & Budget Allocation:

  • Organize for success: Divide your campaigns into logical groups based on target audience, keywords, and ad formats.
  • Budget wisely: Allocate your budget strategically, considering factors like keyword competition and expected return on investment (ROI).
  • Start small and scale: Begin with a smaller budget and gradually increase it as you see positive results and optimize your campaigns.
  • Automate where possible: Utilize automated bidding strategies like Smart Bidding to optimize your budget allocation and maximize ROI.

5. Conversion Tracking & Optimization:

  • Track every click: Set up comprehensive conversion tracking to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns and identify areas for improvement.
  • Analyze the data: Don't just collect data, analyze it! Use insights from Google Analytics and other tools to understand user behavior and optimize your campaigns.
  • Focus on the right metrics: Track key metrics like cost-per-acquisition (CPA), conversion rate, and return on ad spend (ROAS) to measure your success.
  • Continuous optimization: Never stop tweaking your campaigns! A/B test different ad variations, landing pages, and targeting options to find the best performing combinations.

6. A/B Testing & Iteration:

  • Experimentation is key: Don't assume you know what works best. A/B test different ad elements, headlines, CTAs, and landing pages to identify the most effective combinations.
  • Track the results: Monitor the performance of each variation and choose the one that drives the most conversions or leads.
  • Iterate and improve: Don't set it and forget it! Continuously test and refine your campaigns based on data-driven insights.

Remember, Google Ads is a powerful tool, but it requires ongoing effort and optimization to achieve success. By following these actionable steps and consistently iterating on your campaigns, you can turn Google Ads into a growth engine for your SaaS business.

Are Google Ads Worth It for SaaS?

There's no one-size-fits-all answer.

Ultimately, the decision of whether Google Ads are worth it for your SaaS boils down to this:

  • Do you have a well-defined target audience and understand their online behavior?
  • Do you have a clear picture of your marketing goals and desired ROI?
  • Are you willing to invest time, resources, and ongoing effort in campaign management and optimization?

If you answered yes to these questions, Google Ads can be a powerful tool to drive targeted growth and acquire new customers for your SaaS business.

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